Released 2013-05-09
"Would you say I have a plethora of bugfixes?"
This is the first build since I started collecting requrests and bug reports from the message forums in Evernote. Keeping everything in one document makes it much easier to keep track of what needs doing, and should prevent old issues from getting forgotten once they disappear into Old Builds.
Testing Executable and Symbols
Updated Asset Pack (unpack into addon)
What's New
- Revised the filter names for MPI map types
- DM-based MPI: "Action" to "Action MPI"
- ST-based MPI: "Mission" to "Mission MPI"
- Closing the window shuts down the network system properly
- Fixes the player hanging around with 100% loss
- Fixed random floating-point exceptions in Make_Poly and AddTerrainPoly
- Disable asset preload feature while loading the build menu
- Prevents the geometry cache from overflowing and crashing
- ProximityMine ignores destroyed craft
- MineLayer uses a wider-spaced pattern (60m vs. 30m)
- Reduces mine "fratricide" to a level closer to 1.4
- Recenter mouse when switching to satellite view
- Minelayer plays mine-laying VO messages (start, finish, select)
- Fail mission if the player vehicle gets sniped
- Don't let the player switch views during a cineractive
- Prevents switching away from the post-death orbit camera
- Avoids crashes in views that require a valid player entity
- Improved how deployed units handle get repair/reload
- Try to request the item without interrupting the current action
- Don't spin around while waiting for the item
- ArtilleryProcess uses direct fire whenever possible
- Tug no longer drops cargo when going to get repair
- SAV rises and falls much faster (possibly too fast)
- Fixed Tug (lack of) collision while carrying Cargo
- It's "deployed" while doing so and skipped collision
- Built-in Lua libraries should work now
- coroutine, package, table, string, math, debug
- My homebrew version didn't work for some reason...
- Reduced the memory footprint of Game Objects by over 25%
- Use shared values instead of making local copies
- Calculate values as needed instead of storing them
- Allows smaller memory pool slots