Battlezone TRN Format



Height of the sky plane in meters.


Type of sky to draw.

Use a value of 0 for stationary non-tiled clouds and 1 for "wind-blown" tiled clouds.


Texture asset name to apply to the sky cloud layer.


Name of the sprite to use for the sun.


Texture asset name to use for the textured sky backdrop.

An empty name or nonexistent texture will disable the sky backdrop.


Distance in meters to the sky backdrop.


Height in meters of the sky backdrop.


Height in meters of the base of the sky backdrop.


Texture blend type for the sky backdrop.

Use a value of 0 for normal and a value of 1 for 1/3 translucent.



Number of lightning bolts to track at once.

A value of 0 disables the lightning bolt effect.


Palette color index to use for lightning bolts.

The default value searches the palette for the closest match to pure white (255, 255, 255).


Minimum time in milliseconds between lightning strikes on a "channel".


Maximum time in milliseconds between lightning strikes on a "channel".


Duration in milliseconds of each lightning bolt.


Distance in meters from the camera to generate a lighting bolt.


Sound asset name to play on generating a lightning bolt.


Type0 .. Type7

Texture asset name for animated scrounge 0 through 7

An empty name or nonexistent texture will disable the animated scrounge.

the last three characters of the name (before the extension) have special meaning.

All animations of a given type will have the same number of frames. Each frame is a separate texture asset, not a texture sheet.

For example, would have 2 animations (0 and 1) with 4 frames (0 through 3).


Time in milliseconds between animation frames.

This is technically the animation period, not rate.


Size in centimeters of each scrounge billboard sprite.


Maximum number of active scrounge objects.


Diameter in meters of the area around the camera position to generate scrounge objects.

Though the name implies a circle, the area is actually an axis-aligned square.



Number of animated sky sprites to draw.


Diameter in meters of the area around the camera position to generate animated sky objects.

Sky objects follow the camera position at a height of 50 meters minus the sprite size.

Though the name implies a circle, the area is actually an axis-aligned square.


Minimum starting delay in milliseconds.

After the starting delay, the animation will play normally.


Maximum starting delay in milliseconds.

After the starting delay, the animation will play normally.

Anim0 .. Anim7

Texture asset name to use for animated sky 0 through 7

An empty name or nonexistent texture will disable the animated sky.

The last two characters of the name (before the extension) have special meaning.

Each frame is a separate texture asset, not a texture sheet.

Example: would have 4 frames (0 through 3)

Rate0 .. Rate7

Time in millseconds between animation frames.

This is technically the animation period, not rate.

Size0 .. Size7

Size in centimeters of the animated sky object.



Number of cloud objects to draw per tile.

A value of zero disables clouds.


Size in meters of each cloud tile. Clouds have random positions within the tile.


Cloud height offset type.

A value of 0 uses absolute height and a value of 1 uses height above the camera.

Texture0 .. Texture7

Texture asset name for cloud 0 to 7

An empty name or nonexistent texture will disable the cloud.

Size0 .. Size7

Size in meters of each cloud.

Height0 .. Height7

Height of each cloud.


individual star polygons


Distance in meters from the camera to draw star objects.

Texture00 .. Texture63

Texture asset name for star object 0 to 63.

An empty name or nonexistent texture will disable the star object.

Size00 .. Size63

Size in meters of star object 0 to 63.

Azimuth00 .. Azimuth63

Azimuth (yaw) angle in degrees of star object 0 to 63.

Azimuth 0 is due north, 90 or -270 is due east, 180 or -180 is due south, and 270 or -90 is due west.

Elevation00 .. Elevation63

Elevation (pitch) angle in degrees of star object 0 to 63.

Elevation 0 is at the horizon, and 90 is straight up.

Roll00 .. Roll63

Roll angle in degrees of star object 0 to 63.

Roll 0 is level, positive is counterclockwise, and negative is clockwise.

Alpha00 .. Alpha63

Blend type of star object 0 to 63.

A value of 0 is 1/3 translucent and 1 is normal.


The star list draws arrays of star polygons to cover the sky, rotating the polygons to reduce visible tiling.

Elevation, azimuth, and rotation for each polygon are computed automatically.


Enable solid rendering.

A value of 0 draws normally and a value of 1 draws solid white polygons for debugging purposes.


Elevation (pitch) angle in degrees per active star layer.


Texture asset name to apply to each star list object.

An empty name or nonexistent texture will disable the star list.

Size00 .. Size63

Size in meters of each star list object in layer 0 to 63.

Start00 .. Start63

Start azimuth (yaw) angle in degrees for layer 0 to 63.

End00 .. End63

End azimuth (yaw) angle in degrees for layer 0 to 63.

Count00 .. Count63

Number of star list objects in layer 0 to 63.

A value of 0 or less disables the star layer.



Distance in meters from the camera to start fog.

Terrain and objects closer than this have zero fog color applied.


Distance in meters from the camera to end fog.

Terrain and objects further than this have full fog color applied.


Fog break point in percent.

At Break percent between Start and End, the fog has an intensity of 100 .. Break percent. Lower Break values increase the fog intensity closer to Start. Higher Break values increase the fog intensity closer to End.


Maximum visibility range in meters for terrain and entities.

The VisibilityScale value in Render.cfg scales this value.


Distance in meters beyond which the terrain draws flat-shaded polygons.


Global lighting intensity level in percent.

This value seems to scale all other lighting values in software mode.


Ambient lighting level in percent for environment (terrain, scrounge).

This is the minimum lighting level for polygons facing away from the sun.


Shadow lighting level in percent.

This is the overall lighting level for objects on shadowed terrain.


Terrain shadow lighting level in percent.

This is the lighting level for terrain polygons in shadowed areas.


Ambient lighting level in percent for entities (vehicles, buildings, and so forth).

This is the minimum lighting level for polygons facing away from the sun.


Set the fog direction.

A value of 0 means inverted and a value of 1 means normal.


Height in meters of the top of ground fog.


Height in meters of the bottom of ground fog.


Distance in meters from the camera to start applying ground fog.


Maximum distance in meters from the camera for terrain texture mipmap 0 (full resolution)


Maximum distance in meters from the camera for terrain texture mipmap 1 (half resolution)


Maximum distance in meters from the camera for terrain texture mipmap 2 (quarter resolution)


Maximum distance in meters from the camera for terrain texture mipmap 3 (eighth resolution)


Time of day in centihours.


Terrain material index representing lava.

Values outside the range from 0 to 7 will disable lava.


Terrain material index for the terrain wave effect.

Values outside the range from 0 to 7 will disable terrain waves.


Note the spelling of the section label: "SateliteView", not "SatelliteView"


Maximum visibility range in meters for terrain and entities.



Width in meters of the terrain from west to east.

The value must be an integer multiple of 1280 meters.


Depth in meters of the terrain from south to north.

The value must be an integer multiple of 1280 meters.


Western-most position in meters of the terrain.

The value must be an integer multiple of 1280 meters.


Southern-most position in meters of the terrain.

The value must be an integer multiple of 1280 meters.


Default height in decimeters of the terrain.

Empty zones outsize the terrain will use this height.

[TextureType0] .. [TextureType7]


Color index for a flat-shaded terrain tile of material 0 to 7.


Texture asset name for a solid terrain tile of material 0 to 7.

Variation can be A, B, C, or D

Mip can be 0, 1, 2, or 3


Texture asset name for a cap terrain tile of material 0 to 7.

Material can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 (excluding the current material)

Variation can be A, B, C, or D

Mip can be 0, 1, 2, or 3


Texture asset name for a cap terrain tile of material 0 to 7.

Material can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 (excluding the current material)

Variation can be A, B, C, or D

Mip can be 0, 1, 2, or 3



CD track number to play.

A value of -1 will disable music.

With a CD in the drive, the audio system will try to play the specified track.

Otherwise, it will try to play an OGG file named after the track number (e.g. "1.ogg").


Intro movie for the level.

Currently unsupported.


Outro movie for the level

Currently unsupported.



Palette asset name (.act)

The palette is a 256-entry array of 3-byte RGB triplets.


Luma table asset name (.lum)

The luma table is a 256 by 256 array of color indices indexed by fog level and illumination level.


Translucency table asset name (.tbl) for software rendering.

The translucency table is a 256 by 256 array of color indices indexed by source and destination color index.

The source and destination color indices refer to colors in the normal palette.


Alpha table asset name (.alb) for software rendering.

The alpha table is a 256 by 256 array of color indices indexed by source and destination color index.

The source color index refers to colors in the RGBA "alpha" palette.

The destination color index refers to colors in the normal palette.

[Layer0] .. [Layer7]

MakeTRN uses these values to assign terrain materials procedurally. The game currently ignores them.


Minimum elevation in decimeters for the layer.


Maximum elevation in decimeters for the layer.


Minimum slope in degrees for the layer.


Maximum slope in degrees for the layer.


Terrain material index to assign.

A value of 8 disables the layer.