Battlezone Cheat Codes

These are known-working cheat codes.


Type these cheats on the appropriate screen in the game front-end.


Enter on any campaign screen to show a list of all missions in that campaign. Enter on the Stars and Stripes campaign screen to list all American missions. Enter on the Red Brigade campaign screen to list all Soviet missions. Enter on the Combat Exercises screen to list all training missions.

Special Messages

Enter these on the mission success screen to get special messages from various team members:

CodeTeam MemberTitleMessageSound
wesleyBrad PickeringPickering, you're a Marvel!bradp.des
iamlinuscLinus ChenNotes from Newtlinus.desping.wav
iammonolithMatthew PaulNotes from Monolithmatthew.desping.wav
iamcchicoCarey ChicoNotes from Damiencarey.desping.wav
iamgsuttyGeorge SuttyWelcome to Graphics Software Labsgeorge.des
ifluffyouGeorge CollinsNotes from GMoneygeorgec.desping.wav
iamjwaldorfJerry WaldorfNotes from Jerryjerry.desping.wav
fearmanoxWil StahlYOU MUST FEAR THE MANOXwills.desping.wav
iamagoldmanAndrew GoldmanNotes from Roadkillandrewg.desping.wav
iamwrosasWill RosasNotes from Willwillr.desping.wav
revoemagMike ArkinNotes from Arkinmikea.desping.wav
iamcodeelfKen MillerNotes from the Code Elfken.desping.wav
jensandersenJens AndersenThanks from Jensjens.desping.wav
iambdiggsBrian DiggsThanks from Brianbriand.desping.wav


These cheat codes only work in single-player and are disabled in multiplayer. Enter them while holding shift and control simultaneously. Enter the cheat code a second time to turn it off again.


Toggles free construction.

Enabling the cheat reduces scrap and pilot costs to zero, flashes the screen white, and plays the scrap pickup sound (suck.wav). Disabling the cheat restores normal scrap and pilot costs and flashes the screen grey.


Toggles unlimited ammo.

Enabling the cheat reduces weapon ammo costs to zero, flashes the screen blue and plays the ammo pack pickup sound (weapon.wav). Disabling the cheat restores normal ammo costs and flashes the screen dark blue.


Toggles unlimited armor.

Enabling the cheat reduces damage taken to zero, flashes the screen green, and plays the repair kit pickup sound (repair.wav). Disabling the cheat restores normal damage and flashes the screen dark green.


Toggles unrestricted satellite view.

Enabling the cheat allows the player to use satellite view without a comm tower, flashes the screen yellow, and plays the menu next sound (mnu_next.wav). Disabling the cheat restores normal satellite view behavior and flashes the screen dark yellow.


Toggles unlimited radar.

Enabling the cheat allows the player to see all objects on radar, flashes the screen purple, and plays the radar ping sound (ping.wav). Disabling the cheat restores normal radar and flahes the screen dark purple.


These cheat codes only work in multiplayer. Enter them while holding shift and control simultaneously. Enter the cheat code a second time to turn it off again.


Toggles network logging.


Toggles the network timer. In a game with no time limit, the timer shows time elapsed since the session began.

Any Time

These cheats are available at any time. Enter them while holding shift and control simultaneously. Enter the cheat code a second time to turn it off again.


Toggles the terrain waves effect.


These cheats toggle debugging features are available in a Debug or Internal build but not a Release build. Enter them while holding shift and control simultaneously. Enter the cheat code a second time to turn it off again.


Toggles the collision debug display. The display shows collision geometry for nearby game objects as wireframe, and may be distracting during play.


Toggles the hardpoint debug display. The display shows weapon hardpoint locations for craft within 100 meters of the camera.

It uses the same hardpoint type abbreviations as the weapon display:


It also color-codes the icon by hardpoint number and state:

1Dark RedRed
2Dark YellowYellow
3Dark GreenGreen
4Dark CyanCyan
5Dark BlueBlue